Monday, March 29, 2010

The Leaf Cart Awaking from Hibernation

greetings lovelies!

the leaf cart has had a chance to rest over the wintry months, as it was much needed! the rickety wheels have been mended, the counter top scrubbed shiny, and an updated menu on its way...

it was a crazy summer, that last one, trying to figure out which license to use, who was going to be our customer base, and how we wanted to approach this leaf thing!

currently, the cart is in search of kitchen space to call with sinks, counter space, and some refrigeration do please let us know if you can think of something available!

we are also looking at a few other markets, as well as selling at People's Co-op and maybe other cafes around town...we'll keep you posted as to how that comes along!

ok, so this post is short and sweet, but just know that the cart is taking deep breaths of freshly washed spring air, and gathering spirit to be the best cart yet!

much lufs,
leaf lady

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